Staff & Personnel In Food Technology

Staff & Personnel In Food Technology
Department Overview

Makanjuola, Olakunle Moses

Principal Lecturer

ND, HND (Food Technology), PGD (Food Science and Technology), MTech (Food Science and Technology)

About MAKANJUOLA, Olakunle Moses

Principal Lecturer|ND, HND (Food Technology), PGD (Food Science and Technology), MTech (Food Science and Technology)




Food Technology


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Processing and Preservation of Foods of Plant and Animal Origin, Cereal Technology, Post Harvest Technology in Fruits and Vegetable, Storage Technology

Teaching Areas

Processing and Preservation of Plant Food Products 
Processing and Preservation of Animal Food Products 
Canning Technology 
Quality Control Statistics: Animal Products  
Food Plant Sanitation
Processing and Preservation of Plant Food Products  
Food Science & Nutrition 

Selected Publications

1. Makanjuola, O. M and Adepegba, A. O (2020). Evaluation of Quality Attributes of Bread Produced from Bleached Palm Oil, Margarine and Lard. IOSR journal of Environmental Science and Food Technology (IoSR – JESTFT) 14 (12): 46 – 53

2. Makanjuola, O. M and Ajayi, A. (2020). Chemical and Pasting Properties of Flour Obtained from Three Varieties of Yam. Global Scientific Journal 8(8): 785 – 794)

3. Makanjuola, O. M and Adebowale, O. J (2020). Vitamins, Functional and Sensory Attributes of Biscuit Produced Form Wheat-Cocoyam Composite Flour. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research. 9(2): 77 – 82

4. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J. O (2019) Chemical, Functional and Pasting Properties of Starch Extracted from Three Varieties of Yam Commercially Available in Ilaro Metropolis. Global Scientific Journals 7(11): 1166 – 1179

5. Makanjuola, O. M and Coker, O. J (2019). Assessment of Sensory, Functional and Pasting Properties of Different Yam Cultivar Flour Subjected to the same Processing Condition. Global Scientific Journal 7(10):672-687

6. Makanjuola, O. M and Adesipe-Olugbemi, O. M (2019). Total Phenolic Content and in vitro Comparative Antibacterial Activities of Aqueous of Unripe Pawpaw Peel Against Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria. IOST Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) 13(1):10-13

7. Adesipe-Olugbemi, I. T and Makanjuola, O. M (2019). Physico-chemical Properties of Oil obtained from Groundnut Seeds (Arachishypogaea L) using Different Extraction Methods. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. (4):160-164

8. Makanjuola, O. M and Alokun, A. O (2019). The Influence of Matted Sorghum on the Production and the Acceptability of Composite Bread. Applied. Tropical Agriculture 24(1): 188-190

9. Makanjuola, O. M and Alokun, O. A (2019). Microbial and Physico-chemical Properties of Date Jam with Inclusion of Apple and Orange Fruits. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 4(3): 102-106

10. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J. O. (2018). Chemical Properties of Corn Starch as Influenced by Journal Sprouting Periods. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. 3 (6): 90-94.

11. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J. O. (2018). Evaluation of Functional and Pasting properties of Different Corn Starch Flours. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. 3 (6): 95-99.

12. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J. O. (2018). An Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Ogun-Osun River Basin, Oke-Odan, Yewa South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Scientific & innovative Research 7(4): 88-9.

13. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J. O. (2018). Proximate and Selected Mineral Composition of Ripe PawPaw (Carica papaya) Seeds and Skins. Journal of Scientific & innovative Research 7(4): 88-9.

14. Makanjuola, O.M. (2017). Amino Acids Profile of Powdered Fermented Maize Meal (Ogi) Fortified with Powdered Unfermented Locust Bean Seeds (PakiaBiglobosa) IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) II (II):28-32. (Tetfund Sponsored Research Work)

15. Makanjuola, O.M. and Osinfade, B.G. (2017). Determination of Sugars in Yam Under Storage During the Dry Season. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) II(II):24-27

16. Makanjuola, O.M. and Ajayi, A. (2017). Proximate Composition, Functional and Sensory Evaluation of Blends of Yam-Soy-Plantain Flours for Culinary Purposes. Journal of Global Biosciences. 6(10): 5248-5259

17. Makanjuola, O.M, Adepegba, A.O, Ajayi, A and Akoja, S.S. (2017). Proximate Composition and Sensory Qualities of Powdered Ogi (Fermented Maize Meal) Fortified with Powdered Unfermented Locust Beans Seeds (Parkiabiglobosa). Journal of Global Biosciences. 6 (10): 5289:5295

18. Ajayi, A and Makanjuola, O.M. (2017) Effect of Sprouting Periods on the Proximate Composition, Functional Properties and Mineral Contents of Malted Sorghum Flour. The International of Science and Technology. 5 (II): 68-71

19. Makanjuola, O.M and Adepegba, A.O. (2016). Determination of Heavy Metals in Roasted Plantain Sold Along Some Major Roads in Lagos, South-West, Nigeria. Journal of Science and Technology (ILJST). 2(1)

20. Makanjuola, O.M (2016). Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Cassava Tubers Grown Around Two Major Cement Factories In Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences. (IJRSB). 4(11):26-29

21. Makanjuola, O.M (2016). Routine Analysis of Tea Commercially Available in Ogun state, South-West, Nigeria. International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences. (IJRSB). 4(11):15-18

21. Makanjuola, O.M and Osinfade, B.G. (2016). Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Peppers Sold Along Papa-Abeokuta Highways, Ogun state, South-West Nigeria International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences. (IJRSB). 4(10):1-3

22. Makanjuola, O.M and Osinfade, B.G. (2016). Detection of Heavy Metals in some Seasonings Sold in Some Major Highways in Ogun state Southwest Nigeria. International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences. (IJRSB). 4(9):21-24

23. Makanjuola, O.M (2016). Assessment of Heavy Metals in Raw Meat Sold in Some Notable Garages in Ogun State, South West Nigeria, international Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences. (IJRSB). 4(9):10-13

24. Akoja, S.S. Adebowale, O.J Makanjuola, O.M and Salaam, H (2016). Functional Properties, Nutritional and Sensory Qualities of Maize Based Snack (Kokoro) Supplemented with Protein Hydrolysate Prepared from Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan) seed. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology ISSN: 1542-8052 Print 1542-8044 (Tetfund Sponsored)

25. Makanjuola, O.M, Sanni H.A and Ajayi. A (2013): Effect of Blanching and Frozen Storage on The Proximate Composition of Four Leafy Vegetables Widely Consumed in Ilaro Community, Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Global Biosciences. 2(4):85-89

26. Makanjuola. O.M Sanni, H.A and Ajayi, A. (2013): Effect of Blanching and Frozen Storage on Some Selected Minerals and Vitamin C Content For Flour Leafy Vegetables Widely Consumed in Ilaro Community, Ogun StateNigeria Journal of Global Biosciences. 2(4): 79-84

27. Makanjuola, O.M Bolade, M.K, Makanjuola J.O and Ajayi, A: The Proximate Composition and Mineral Content of Three Plantain Cultivars Harvested at Matured Green Level. International Journal of Innovations in Bioscience (IJIBS) 2(4)

28. Makanjuola, O.M Makanjuola, J.O and Bakare, S. (2012): Sensitive Nature of Beef Spoilage Bacteria to Some Species. International Journal of Innovations in Bioscience (IJIBS). 2(4)

29. Makanjuola, O.M (2012): Production and Quality Evaluation of Soy-Corn Yoghurt. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 4(3): 130-134

30. Makanjuola O.M Ogunmodede, A.S, Makanjuola J.O and Awonorin, S.O. (2012). Comparative Study on Quality Attributes of Gari Obtained from Some Processing Centre in South West, Nigeria. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 4(3). 130-134.

31. Omole, J.O, Ighodaro, O.M and Makanjuola, O.M. (2012): Proximate Composition of Whey from South West, Nigeria. Advance in Bioresearch. 3(1): 14-16.

32. Makanjuola, O.M (2012): Preliminary Assessment of Fluorine Level of Spring and Stream Water in South West, Nigeria. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 4(3): 135-140.

33. Makanjuola O.M, (2012): Chemical Analysis of Flesh and Some Body Parts of Different Fresh Fish in South West, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition11(1): 14-15.

34. Makanjuola, O.M and Ajayi. A (2012): Effect of Natural Fermentation on The Nutritive Value and Mineral Composition of African Locust Beans. Pakistan Journal of nutrition 11(1) 11-13

35. Makanjuola O.M (2011): Effect of Soy Fortification on The Proximate Composition, Functional and Sensory Properties of Yam Flour. Journal of Management Technology and Humanities. 2(3): 115-130

36. Omole, J.O, Ighodaro, O.M Makanjuola O.M. (2010): Comparative Study of Garri Sample Produced by Traditional Aerobic and Laboratory Anaerobic Fermentation of Cassava Mash. World Journal of Agricultural Science 6(6): 746-748

Conferences Attended

1. Ajibode, O. O and Makanjuola, O. M (2020). Physicochemical and Sensory Analysis of Biscuits Made from Malted-Sorghum-Defatted DiocleaReflexa Seed Composite Flour. Paper Presented at the 2 nd Internationa lConference, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria, November, 10th – 11th 2020.

2. Makanjuola, O. M and Ajayi, A (2020). Effect of Fortification of Ogi (Maize gruel) with Cow Concentration Whey Protein on it Proximate Composition. Proceeding of 44th Conference and Annual General Meetings of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, Lagos, October, 14th – 15th 2020

3. Ajayi, A, and Makanjuola O. M (2020). Preservative Effect of some Spice and Their Flavour Acceptability in Zobo (Hibiscus sabdarifffa) Drink. Proceeding of the 44th Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, Lagos October 14th – 15th, 2020 Pp 183 – 184

4. Makanjuola, O. M and Ajayi, A (2019). Effect of Drying Methods on the Mineral and Proximate Contents of Fermented Africa Locust Bean (Parkiabiglobosa). Proceedings of 43rd Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, Akwa October 14th – 18th 2019.

5. Ajayi, A and Makanjuola, O. M (2019). Heavy Metals Contents of Selected Loaves of Bread Sold in Ewekoro Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Proceedings of 43rd Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, Akwa. October 15th – 18th 2019.

6. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J. O (2019). Selected Mineral and Proximate Composition of White Bultton Mushroom (Agariicusbisporus) and Oyste Mushroom (Pleurotusostreatus) in Ilaro, Nigeria. Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) 5th NIFST Western Chapter Regional Food Science and Technology Smmit (ReFOSTS) in Conjunction with Nigeria Stored Products Research Institute NIFRI), Ilorin, Kwara State, June 10th – 11th 2019 Pp 149 – 154.

7. Makanjuola, O. M, Alokun, O. A and Ogunbunmi, O. O (2019). Effect of PreCooking on Proximate and Microbial Analysis of Breadfruit Flour. Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST, 5th NIFST Western Chapter Regional Food Science and Technology Summit (ReFOSTS) in Conjunction with Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute (NDPRI), Ilorin, Kwara State June 10th – 11th 2019 pp 405 – 409.

8. Makanjuola, O. M (2019). Effect of Size Reduction Methods on the Chemical Composition and Viscosity of three Varieties of Ewedu Leaves (Corchorus) Common wealth Association of TechnicalUniversities and Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA. InternationalConferenceKigali, Rwanda. August 25th – 31st, 2019.

9. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J.O (2018). Effect of Coconut Cream on the Sensory Acceptability of Plantain Biscuit. Proceedings of 42nd Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Abeokuta, October 15 – 18th, 2018 pp 36 – 37

10. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola O. J. (2018). Proximate Analysis of Kokoro Fortified with Plantain Flour. Proceedings of 42nd Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Abeokuta, October 15 – 18th 2018 pp 34 – 35

11. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J. O (2018). Investigation of Microbial Contamination of Selected Ready-To-Eat Vended Fruits in Ifo Market, Ifo Local Government Area of Ogun State, South West, Nigeria. Proceedings of 11th International Science Technology, Arts, Education, Management and the Social Science Conference, Lagos, Nigeria, June 2018 pp 31 – 38.

12. Makanjuola, O. M and Makanjuola, J. O (2018). Effect of Roasting Time of maize (Zea mays) and Groundnut (Arachis hypogeal) on the Quality Attributes of Dowkua. Proceedings of 11th International Science Technology, Arts, Education, Management of the Social Science Conference, Lagos Nigeria, June, 2018 pp 31 – 38

13. Makanjuola O. M and Alokun, O. A (2018). The Influence of Malted Sorghum on the Production and the Acceptability of Composite Bread. Proceedings of the 4th NIFST Western Chapter Regional Food Science and Technology Summit (ReFOSTS), Federal University of Technology, Akure 6 – 8 th June, 2018

14. Makanjuola, O. M and Ajayi, A. (2017). Proximate, Functional and Sensory Evaluation of Some Brands of Instant Noodles in Nigeria. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 19th International conference in Food Science and Packaging Technologies. Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia December 11th – 12th 2017

15. Ajayi A and Makanuola, O. M (2017). Effect of Particles Size of Maize Flour on the Quality of Traditional Maize Snack, Kokoro. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 19th International conference in Food Science and Packaging Technologies. Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia December 4th – 7 th 2017

16. Makanjuola, O.M and Alokun, O.A. (2017) Effect of Variety on the Proximate Composition of Potato Flour. National Conference of the Schools of Pure and Applied Sciences and Communication & Information Technology. The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. December 4th - 7 th 2017

17. Makanjuola, O.M. (2017). Effect of Cow Milk Substitution with Soy Milk on the Mineral Composition and Functional Properties of the Substituted Milk. Proceedings of 41st Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Abuja. October 22nd - 25th 2017 pp 9-10

18. Makanjuola, O.M. (2017). Proximate Composition, Functional and Sensory Qualities of Yam Flour, Bambara Seed Flour Blends. Proceedings of 41st Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Abuja. October 22nd - 25th 2017 pp 101-102

19. Makanjuola, O.M. (2017). “I BELIEVE” Being Paper Presented at The Crescent International High School, Ijoko-Ota,Ogun State, July, 29th , 2017 (Served as Guest Speaker).

20. Makanjuola, O.M, and Noah A.A. (2017) Effect of Sweeteners and Fruit Flavors on the Sensory Characteristics of Yogurt Produced From Fresh Cow Milk Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, (NIFST) 3 rd NIFST Western Chapter Regional Food Science and Technology Summit (ReFoSTS) inConjunction with MoshoodAbiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Ogun State. June 6th -7 th 2017. pp 18

21. Makanjuola, O.M. (2016). An Assessment of Heavy Metals (Trace Elements) in Water Around Quarry Mining Areas of Oyo and Ogun States. Proceedings of 40th conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Kano, October 24th - 26th 2016 pp 280-281

22. Makanjuola, O.M, Ajayi, A and Noah, A.A. (2016) Physico-Chemical Analysis of Borehole Water Around Cement Factories in Nigeria. Proceedings of 40thconference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Kano, October 24th -26th 2016 pp 29-30

23. Makanjuola, O.M andAjayi, A (2016). Proximate Composition of Five (5) Species of Land Snail Commonly Found in Ilaro, Yewa Community, Ogun State. Proceedings of 5th Conference of Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) Ilaro, Chapter, Ilaro. October, 14th - 19th 2016 pp253-258

24. Ajayi, A, Aiyeleye, F.B Makanjuola, O.M and Adebowale, O.J (2015) Effect of Drying Methods on the Proximate Composition, Mineral Contents and Functional Properties of Plantain Flour. Conference Proceedings of 29th EFFOST International Conference on Food Science Research and Innovation: Society. Athens, Greece. November 10th - 12th,2015 pp846-848

25. Noah, A.A and Makanjuola, O.M (2015). Effect of Boiling and Frying on the Microbial Safety of Giant African Land Snail (Achatinafalica) Faculty of Science Conference, Lead City University, Ibadan, October 16th - 19th 2015 pp 1-9

26. Makanjuola, O.M, Ajayi, A, Noah, A.A, Komolafe, O.M and Sodipe, O.A (2015). Evaluation of Waste Water Quality Standards in Some Abattoirs in Lagos State, South-West, Nigeria. Proceedings of School of Applied Science 3rd National Conference, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, June 15th - 18th 2015. pp 157-162

27. Noah, A.A, Oduwobi, O.O and Makanjuola, O.M (2015). Microbiological Safety of Corn Based Snack Product (Aadun and Kokoro) Sold in Ogun State Nigeria. Proceeding of School of Applied Science 3 rdNational Conference Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. June 15th - 18th 2015 pp 163-169

28. Makanjuola, O.M, Noah, A.A, Ajayi, A, Akoja, S.S and Mohameed, A.O (2014). Microbiological Safety and Quality Assessment of Fermented Cassava Mash and Fufu Obtained fromIlaro Environments. Proceedings of 38th Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Lagos, October 13th -15th 2014 pp 74-75.

29. Makanjuola, O.M (2011). Chemical Analysis of Both Flesh and Body Parts of Different Fresh Fish in South West, Nigerian. Proceedings of 1st Conference Academic Staff Union of Polytechnic (ASUP) Ilaro Chapter, Ilaro, September 11th - 13th 2011.

Summary of Profile

Makanjuola, Olakunle Moses is a product  of two most valuable systems of Education, i.e Polytechnic and University. He has Masters Degree (Masters of Technology) in Food Science and Technolgy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State. He has over 25 years expereience as an academic staff of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State. He is the Zonal Coordinator (Ogun zone) of the Presitgious Nigeria Institure of Food Science and Technolgy (NIFST).
Presently, He is a Principal Lecturer in the Department of Food Technology Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, where he teaches course in Processing and Preservation of both Animal and Plant Food Products, Food Quality Control Statistics, Food Quality Control (Animal Products), Canning Techology, Food Legislation, Food Science and Nutriton among Others. He is also a consultant to Lagos State Government on Safety, Health and wellbeing where he had delivered several papers.
He has several Publications (Journals) to his credit and has also presented Papers in conferences both locally and internationally. He has co-authored two major text books in Food Science and Techology. He is happyly married and blessed with Children

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